How to Prevent Athlete's Feet ?

One of the common fungal infections, especially in the rainy and summer seasons, is an athlete’s foot. This infection occurs when one is exposed to fungi in warm, moist, or closed environments, or if one walks barefoot in humid public places like the locker room. Since it is contagious, you can contract the infection if you come in contact with a person who is affected. An antifungal cream can help treat the fungal infection.

However, the best way to prevent an athlete's foot is by being cautious. The infection generally starts between the toes. The fungal infection is commonly observed in people who have excessively sweaty feet, or people who wear tight-fitting shoes.

Athlete’s foot occurs in confined areas where a lot of foot traffic and moisture is observed. In addition, contaminated areas, garments, bedsheets, or sharing unclean instruments (for example, during a pedicure) can also cause this contagious infection.

Symptoms of Athlete’s Foot

  • Scaly red rash between the toes.

  • Severe itching when you wear socks.

  • Mild or severe blisters or ulcers.

  • Chronic dryness between toes.

  • Scaling or scarring on the soles.

Causes of Athlete’s Foot

The main cause observed is ringworm or tinea cruris (jock itch). Damp socks and humid conditions cause fungal infection. Fungal infections are contagious and can easily spread by contact with contaminated surfaces like shoes, clothes, etc.

Preventive Measures 

  • While you walk around the damp area like the swimming pool deck, locker rooms, gym, or shower, wear flip-flops, sandals, or shower shoes. This will ensure that you do not come in contact with a surface that has been infected. 

  • Keep feet dry. Whether you walk barefoot in public areas or wear shoes, it is important to keep your feet dry, as moist feet lead to fungal infection. Athlete’s feet thrive in humid, moist, and warm surfaces, so the more you sweat, higher are the chances of a fungal infection. 

  • Don’t wear socks or shoes right after showering. Wash your feet twice a day with soap and water and dry them afterwards. Wearing socks right after a shower increases the chances of fungal infection because of excessive moisture.

  • Wear socks that are made of natural fabrics, especially those that dry quickly. You can also purchase socks that repel moisture. Do not use unwashed socks.  Wash them after every use. 

  • If you live with someone who has developed a fungal infection, avoid sharing clothes, towels, shoes, or socks, as it is contagious. You can use powder or an antifungal cream on your feet to prevent contagion. If you happen to contract the infection, purchase the best cream available in the market to treat it. Clocip, a clinically proven formula trusted by experts, is effective in the treatment of athlete's feet. It is available in the form of both powder and cream.


If you contract a fungal infection, you can try standard over-the-counter medicines. Meet a dermatologist if the need arises.  Proper foot hygiene will keep the problem away.  You can also apply an antifungal cream as a preventive measure.

Blog Source - Evernote 


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